The dashboard relies on data from the Varieties of Democracy project ( It uses the 2023 versions of the V-Dem and the V-Party datasets. The research question has been whether populism and anti-pluralism are stronger in countries with more inequality, and data show that 21st-century right-wing populism and anti-pluralism levels are negatively correlated with the societies’ egalitarianism. (The slides from a presentation of the project at WCP 2024 in Rome can be downloaded here.) Measures of egalitarianism are included in the country-level V-Dem dataset. The populism and anti-pluralism indexes, like other fifteen ideology scores, were assigned by the project’s coders to parties competing in elections. I transformed them into country-level measures by multiplying the values by the parties’ vote/seat share and averaging for country_years. The maps suggest the co-variance of anti-pluralism and the V-Dem egalitarian component measure, which comes across in correlations and supports regression models in which inequality is a significant determinant of anti-pluralism. A short paper on the issue was presented at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Rome in August 2024. A longer version has been published in Political Research Quarterly (

How to use the dashboard: The Power BI report consists of eight pages, which can be navigated through the little arrows under the dashboard visuals. The pages contain one or more graphic visuals and some slicers (filters). The slicers allow for multiple selections with Ctrl +click, and may be reset by clicking on the little eraser in their right top corner. In all visuals, additional information can be seen by hovering the cursor over datapoints or graphic elements. The whole dashboard can be magnified to full page-size by clicking the diagonal arrow in the bottom right corner. The maps have their own magnifiers in the right upper corner. The size of the circles associated with each country is proportional with the magnitude of the feature portrayed; the exact value can be seen as a tooltip information.